2021 Action plan : the experts’ kickstart

Axelle Loichot

January 25, 2021

What a crazy year it has been! And yet, 2021 is ahead - and with a new dawning fresh projects come to life, leaning on the lessons learnt of 2020. Retailers and jewelry designers were prompt to swiftly react with agility, they now need a new momentum to begin this year. To help them rise and shine, see the glass half full and inspire them, le Sens du Détail is pleased to share its best plan: reach out to an expert. The expert’s kick start is a real game changer.

What a crazy year it has been! And yet, 2021 is ahead - and with a new dawning fresh projects come to life, leaning on the lessons learnt of 2020. Retailers and jewelry designers were prompt to swiftly react with agility, they now need a new momentum to begin this year.

Sketching an action plan - that efficiently blends flexibility, capitalization on resources to get back on track towards profitability – is a juggling exercise that requires creativity and a fair dose of energy. However, a restless year atop uncertainty has driven designers and jewelry retailers to close the 2020 chapter breathless. To help them rise and shine, see the glass half full and inspire them, le Sens du Détail is pleased to share its best plan: reach out to an expert. The expert’s kick start is a real game changer.

An expert eye opens new possibilities

Agile, creative, flexible – those were the master words that helped retailers and jewelry designers navigate their businesses through a 2020 situation like no other. Savvy initiatives, smart tricks, sometimes bright ideas to keep up with the economic crisis and the pandemic were thrown into the party overnight, but are they evenly worth it after all? What are the best options to keep the spark alive – the same that keep your business afloat – or perhaps even better, push towards growth?

When gaining clarity and vision is just the opposite of the daily juggle with mundane business duties, enters the expert - the outsourced consultant, the independent addition to your Management team or Sales force – the one that will help in taking a leap to the next level. A fresh eye, an objective viewpoint is a precious input to help reviewing your business situation: experts will highlight your company’s forces, outlining the spearheads and the subjects that need a deeper review in order to improve a situation made fragile with the uncertain climate.

A temporary addition to your team is a ‘plus one’ without the burden of HR redtape: the consultant is working to provide an in-deep, personalized analysis of your business activity, build on your assets – and dig up company landmarks or gems that sometimes got long lost amid the situation.

2020 may have raised issues that remained a rock in the retailer or designer’s shoe, despite the urgency. An outside view will fast track solutions to tackle new challenges, whether they belong to operational or strategy: is that e-shop so necessary after all? How to remotely capitalize on an events program that was designed to host the release of your new collection – and eventually cancelled? What are the best options to generate growth from the newsletters you send? The short term appointed expert will bring fresh views on how to address the challenges you are facing: their 360° expertise extends to many fields of entrepreneurship and business conduct, not to mention specifics of the luxury, HBJO or retail industries. Efficiency deploys swiftly as they know your stakes are high and time is limited. The expert’s recommendations and action plan unroll as tailor made advice, ready to be implemented and deliver. Your business size, your concerns – their solutions to regain growth.

A consultant can slip into a vacant position within your company, too: for a limited period, stepping in an Executive’s shoes as interim manager may help in efficiently filling the vacancy (an absent employee or a hiring campaign that was delayed), while bringing their experience and solutions, hence accelerating your business’s transformation.

Plan d'action

Boost your action plan with Le Sens du Détail

All of the above is my bread and butter as an expert: my first steps as an independent consultant are to listen and observe. The subsequent analysis covers every department and field that requires attention:

- Are your sales efforts rewarded?

- Is your digital policy tailored to suit your targets?

- Is your marketing policy efficient?

- Does your distribution network effectively deliver?

Because we address these questions (and more!) together, the results of the analysis will outline your business’s strengths and your growth perspectives. I will also share efficient tools, best practices and open my network of skilled and trustworthy partners to accelerate your development. My motto is to deliver concrete results, fast.

As a special offer to begin 2021, this program starts at CHF 550/500 € and will provide the desired ‘kick start effect’ to get back on track, move faster toward greater changes or have support while transitioning to a new model.

Let’s start tomorrow and bring back optimism to begin 2021 with a smile.

My calendar is open right here: make sure you secure a convenient date for you and I will be happy to discuss your projects with you very soon!

Photo crédit :  

Pixabay : https://pixabay.com/