Le sens du détail - 3 piste pour Noel 2020

Holidays 2020 : 3 tips to make Christmas exceptional

Axelle Loichot

November 25, 2020

December is up close now, with jewelers’ shopfronts that usually spark and glow to celebrate the holiday’s season. This year, the health crisis has tainted the general atmosphere and shopkeepers must renew their practices to embrace the Christmas season. Regardless of lockdowns, le Sens du Détail shares some practical advice with jewelry retailers for a great Holidays Season.

December is up close now, with jewelers’ shopfronts that usually spark and glow to celebrate the holiday’s season. This year, the health crisis has tainted the general atmosphere and shopkeepers must renew their practices to embrace the Christmas season. Regardless of lockdowns, le Sens du Détail shares some practical advice with jewelry retailers for a great Holidays Season.


Behind closed storefronts, jewelry retailers are busy getting ready for Christmas. For they understand the season’s stakes, jewelry experts brim with new initiatives to strengthen the link with their client base : phone calls, newsletters, gathering and exploiting data from CRMs are practical moves to set up a new strategy and anticipate local customers’ needs.

The undisputed synergy between the physical shop and its digital doppelgänger – as previously discussed here and there (Selben) can fully deploy now to reach out to clients and suggest beautiful jewelry pieces for the holiday’s season.

In practice, no need to implement heavy emergency measures to pump the turnover: when an online shop is not ready/operational, setting up a simple “click and collect” purchasing system instead is an undeniably easy step to keep up with your daily activity and local customers. Now is the perfect time to abundantly feed social networks and build an efficient online presence to get noticed by prospective clients. They want nothing more than receive some joy – you are the one to spark it.

Now could also be a smart timing to propose new services to customers and experiment exclusive private encounters? Listen to their wishes and offer a panel of handpicked pieces that meet their budget and dreams. A private appointment can be made in an intimate, quiet place. A spotless organization – respecting social distancing measures - might be the new black for connecting with your clients base in some privileged moments – all being in a turmoil of uncertainty.

In general, now is the time to use the crafty or wise resources made available by professional associations and institutions: by joining a specialized Jewelry association, you will gain access to resources and dedicated support to better address the consequences on the global economic slowdown. Specialized associations will help in getting support or completing procedures where available, and bring together retailers and key industry players to feel stronger in these troubled times.


Christmas is always paved with a share of fancy dreams and reverie. Thanks to a little help by jewelry retailers, dreams can come true and boutique windows are prepared for the enchantment. Buying jewel pieces is seldom considered a whim – it embeds more than just pleasure – think long-term investment. A durable purchase that projects on transmission and a certain sense of values, jewels do not suffer from devaluation. Jewelry experts play a key role in addressing their clients’ needs and meeting their demands – even though clients remain afar for health crisis reasons.

Create desire and ignite fancy dreams – this ambition remains untouched and sounds even more special this year. All the more reasons for jewelry professionals to address it differently and get closer than ever to their clients’ base. Showcasing signature pieces and exceptional designs with extreme care is a must – regardless of how the pieces are exposed, in the e-shop or physically available in a boutique.

Sparkling diamonds and unique designs are much needed to wipe away the dull pandemic days.


While France has enforced lockdown measures once more and Christmas celebrations loom in - a growing grassroot trend has people increasingly turn to local shops – including local jewelry retailers. This deep shift in consumers’ habits has been repeatedly noted in the past years, and is only magnified with lockdowns measures piling up on and on. This opportunity for jewelers to build strong connections with their local customers must not be missed – communicating with clients will be beneficial both ways: retailers bring them a share of joy and pleasure, ensure availability of the pieces and guarantee all deliveries will be made on time – before Christmas. Custom service builds stronger confident links as you show your expertise, know-how and knowledge of your clients’ desires. These are strong foundations for the future.

Another alternative to explore is open the doors to curious clients and unveil what is behind the curtains – workshop secrets, traditional designer’s workplace, show your clients where the magic takes place and how metal and stones become polished bracelets and shiny necklaces. This privileged insight, shared with some happy few, is another trust mark that seals a relation between a maker and a customer. Relation that may extend beyond the troubled period and ultimately last for long.

Custom made services, or on-demand requests can also help retailers to boost their image: they can pick a handful of pieces that meet the clients’ requirements, both in terms of style, intention, and budget. That personalized service will undoubtedly carve a new image for the retailer, outlining their listening capacities, trust and privacy - far from the large range, mass consumption brands.

2020 will have been a land of uncertainty, however this period can also been seen as a territory of opportunities. The challenging adjustments can be tackled when turned into building a new type of relation - closer to customers. Le Sens du Détail shares its expertise and supports jewelry professionals in achieving this crucial makeover.

Photo crédit :  

Unsplash library : https://unsplash.com/

Thanks to Alexandre Humbert - D.W.T.H. - for the original creation of the Logo in support of our Watchmakers - Jewelers

L’Union de la Bijouterie Horlogerie : https://u-b-h.com/lubh/nos-missions/

Groupe Vendôme HBJO Solidaire : https://www.facebook.com/groups/880114219133951/

Frédéric Bleu : https://www.linkedin.com/in/frederic-bleu-481510124/

Fédération Française des Horlogers Bijoutiers indépendants : https://www.ffhbi.fr

Axelle Loichot - Le Sens du Détail - Conseil Expertise en Bijouterie-Joaillerie

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